We usually meet on the 4th Monday of each month in the Clubhouse Park Room. Details of each month’s topic are to be found in the latest issue of Park Talk, and also on the Clubhouse Notice Board.
As well as listing the monthly topics, your annual membership card will give details of discounts available from a number of local suppliers.
Our year’s programme will typically include some talks of a more technical nature, mixed with some of a lighter, more general nature. We normally plan at least one local evening visit in the year to a garden (sometimes a day-time visit as well, or instead). And on a purely social basis, we have a Summer Social each year, and our AGM is combined with a Christmas Social.
We organise an annual ‘Garden Safari’, where DelamerePark residents (bravely) open their gardens one afternoon in the year for other residents to ‘inspect’ the fruits (and vegetables) of their labours. We generally manage to find around half-a-dozen volunteers, and funds raised from program sales are donated to nominated charities or worthy causes.
For further details contact Mike McNeal at: