The Trustees are appointed by Plot-holders as Directors of Delamere Park Management Limited, (DPML) a company established in 1971 on the transfer of the land from Whelmar Bulders to the Plot-holders.
As each plot was sold by Whelmar, the purchaser had to sign a covenant with DPML including agreement that the Plot-holder would contribute to the upkeep of DPML by paying an annual fee. The covenants form part of each plot’s deeds and no plot can be sold without the subsequent purchaser signing the covenant.
Initially, Whelmar provided the Directors for DPML but as the development was finished Whelmar handed control of DPML to the Plot- holders. The Plot-holders appoint the Trustee/Directors whose main legal obligation is to ‘maintain and administer the amenity lands on the Park.’
The Trustees carry out their roles on a voluntary basis and have scheduled monthly meetings to ensure the correct ‘governance’ of DPML At these meetings standing items such as finance, personnel and health and safety are discussed along with Plot-holders’ applications for property changes & extensions, and any other queries or concerns raised by residents. In addition to their overall responsibilities as Trustees, each has a particular area of responsibility on which reports are fed back at the monthly meetings.
Current Trustees
- Lyndon Taylor- Chairperson
- John Bickley
- Steve Parsons
- Phillip Hallman
- Oliver Jones
To report any issues for the attention of the Trustees please email Reception who will log a ticket on our system. Email: